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Mentoring Programme

What do we offer?

  • A well matched mentor and mentee
  • A speed-mentoring session where all the mentors and mentees can meet
  • An induction event for the mentors and mentees to get to know each other
  • A suggested timeline to follow
  • Ongoing support throughout the programme not only from your mentor but members of FOCAL's Training Committee.
  • Invitation to FOCAL's in-person events such as Members' Day.
  • Discounted entry to Industry Events where available

What does the mentor offer?

  • 6 hours over 6 months
  • Their expertise and knowledge within the archive industry
  • Feedback and encouragement for questions
  • Ongoing support to the mentee

What does the mentee offer?

  • 6 hours over 6 months
  • Open and willingness to learn
  • A new perspective into the archive industry
  • Proactive attitude
  • Dedication to the programme
  • Closing feedback