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FOCAL Awards 2022 Sponsors Showreels

Thank you to our Sponsors for the FOCAL Awards 2022. Their showreels and available to watch below.

AP Archive, Sponsored the Cocktail Party

British Pathé, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in a Cinematic Feature

Fremantle, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in a Factual or Natural World Production

Getty Images, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in a History Feature

IMES, Sponsored Footage Person of the Year

ITV Archive, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in a Sports Production

LOLA Clips, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in an Arts and Entertainment Production

Newsflare, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in a Short Film Production

piemags, Sponsored The Jane Mercer Researcher of the Year Award

PRASAD, Sponsored Best Archive Restoration & Preservation Project or Title

Reelin in the Years Production, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in a Music Production

Screenocean, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in a History Production

Sky Clip Sales, Sponsored Student Jury Award for Most Inspiring Use of Footage

WPA Film Library, Sponsored Best Use of Footage in Advertising or Branded Content