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Jury Information

Seeking all Jurors

As a not-for-profit organisation, FOCAL International relies on the skill and efforts of a wide network of volunteer jurors in order to deliver the FOCAL Awards.

Would you like to take part and become part of our international family where you have the opportunity to view the 2024 submissions and deliberate on the shortlist nominees and final winners?

The FOCAL Awards Judging process for our production categories operates in two stages.

First Round Viewing

During the first round of judging, groups of FOCAL jurors will review each of the submissions entered into their selected category. Jurors view each submission within the category individually and then discuss the titles collectively with their jury group.

Led by the jury moderator, these discussions can be convened by email, online or in person to eventually agree on the titles to be shortlisted for nomination. The shortlist is arrived at by majority agreement from each jury group with the moderator having a casting vote if needed.

This year, we ask each jury to nominate between THREE to FIVE submissions after discussion with the jury moderator.

Second Round Viewing

The shortlisted titles will go forward as nominations for the respective category. Each set of shortlisted titles are open to a second round of voting by a wider pool of jurors in order to determine the eventual winner. First round jurors are also welcome to participate as second round jurors.

Second round jurors view and vote on each shortlisted title independently so winners are determined by a scoring system and revealed on the night of the FOCAL Awards ceremony.

The Jury Portal

All Jury viewing is done via FOCAL’s dedicated online Jury portal. Each juror will be provided with an individual password-protected account and can use the portal to view and record notes or scores on titles.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact with us: [email protected]

Suggested Jury Schedule

Please note that FOCAL will try to follow the above schedule as closely as possible but dates may be subject to change.

Production Categories:

1st Round

Jury Start Viewing

12th March 2024

Jury End Viewing

19th April 2024

2nd Round

Jury Start Viewing

29th April 2024

Jury End Viewing

31st May 2024

Jane Mercer Researcher of the Year Award:

Jury Start Viewing

18th March 2024

Jury End Viewing

15th May 2024

Restoration and Preservation Award:

Jury Start Viewing

18th March 2024

Jury End Viewing

15th May 2024