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IAMHIST- The International Association for Media and History

Member since 2010

c/o Annenberg School for Communication
3502 Watt Way University of Southern California
Los Angeles
CA 90089
United States
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The International Association for Media and History is an association of scholars, professional film and television broadcasters, archivists and others who are passionately conerned about film, radio, television and their relations to history. We encourage scholarly research into the relations between history and the media as well as the production of historically informed documentaries, television series, and other media texts. Our aims are: to further the use of audio-visual media for teaching and research in history, and in particular to encourage the use of audio-visual media as sources for the study of history; to improve the preservation of audio-visual materials as documents, and to improve access to archive collections housing audi-visual materials; to provide a forum for discussion on any issues related to media and history.

IAMHIST holds biennial international conferences. The most recent were:

Media and Imperialism

Press, Photography, Film, Radio and Television in the Age of Modern Imperialism, Amsterdam, July 18-21, 2007

Projections of Race and Ethnicity: national Identities and Global Networks, Cincinnati, July, 2005

The History of the Future: Visions from the Past, Leicester University, July 2003

Changing Identities in Film and Television, Leipzig, Germany, July 2001.

Other events have included two very successful masterclasses in London and in October 2004 we held a one day seminar at the Imperial War Museum entitled It May be History, But Is It True?

More information can be found on our website www.iamhist.org or http://iamhist.net ;


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