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The Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense (ECPAD) is a leading archive and audiovisual production center. As such, it preserves exceptional audiovisual and photographic archive collections on all contemporary conflicts in which the French army has been involved since 1915, i.e. 15 million photos and 94,000 hours of film.

The collections of the ECPAD are unique in their ability to bear witness of more than 100 years of History, from World War I to nowadays, during conflicts but also in times of Peace.

Collections are diverse and cover the activities of the French armies in most recent periods such as the Gulf War (1990-1992), Macedonia and Kosovo (1998-2007) or Operation Barkhane (since 2014), but also regarding ancient conflicts such as Indochinese War and Algeria War bringing light to political, cultural and economic aspects.

ECPAD owns also one of the greatest collections of World War I and World War II footage and photos. You can go through insights from French, Allied and German footage, and diverse military fields across the World.

Enriching the ECPAD's holdings for the period 1842-2022 Private archives are also a valuable source for many subjects of study, such as France's colonial expansion since 1880, world conflicts, the wars of decolonization, and the daily life of the armed forces.

For any enquiry you may have, ECPAD team will be glad to get in touch with you, within a few days !

Contact : achat-images [email protected]
Our collections : ImagesDéfense - ImagesDéfense (imagesdefense.gouv.fr)

Picture: TONK 53-81 R19©Jean Péraud/ECPAD/Défense.